Saturday 5 December 2015


A. Factors Importance of Research Sanad and Matan HadithIn order to maintain the hadith, anyone who claimed to have the hadith must be accompanied by sanad. Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak said: "The parable of those who seek their religion without isnad, like a man who climbed into the attic without stairs". Must sanad in accepting the hadith is not the only special people, the general public was at the time it requires to accept the chain of transmission. It began to grow since the tabi'in, to an obligation to explain the hadith expert sanad hadith which he riwayatkannya. [1] Therefore, research chains and Matan hadith is very important, because due to several factors.The factors were: [2]1. The number of hadith forgery after the Apostle's death happened in the days of Caliph Ali bin Abu Muttalib.2. The process of gathering hadiths into books of hadith which takes a long time after the Apostles died.3. The number of books of hadith are very much with the method of preparation of highly diverse. [3]4. The occurrence of transmission Hadeeth meaning.B. The parts Should Studied1. The rules of Major Criticism Sanad and MatanRule chains and Matan hadith criticism can be seen from the definition of the term hadeeth. According to scholars of hadith, such as Ibn al-Salah (d. 643 H), stating that the hadeeth is "Hadith which continued sanadnya to the Prophet, narrated by narrators fair and dhabit until the end of the chain of transmission, in the hadith that there are no irregularities (syudzuz ) and disability (illat) ".The sense of the term, can be described elements hadeeth be:1. sanadnya continued until the Prophet.2. narrators are fair.3. The narrator is dhabit.4. In the hadith that there are no irregularities (syudzuz).5. In the hadith there is no defect (illat).Five elements contained in the major rules for sanad above can actually be found to be three elements, namely elements of syudzuz avoided and avoid illat included on the first and third elements. Compaction of the elements that do not interfere with the substance of the rules because it is merely a methodology to avoid overlapping elements, in particular the minor rules. [4]2. The rules Minor in Sanad CriticismWhen each major element of the rules for keshahihan sanad included elements of minor rules, it can be argued grains as follows:1. Elements of the first major rules, sanad serialized, containing elements of minor rules:a. Muttasil (continued)b. Marfu '(leaning to the prophet)c. Mahfouz (avoid syudzuz)d. Not Muall (blameless)2. The second major element of the rules, narrators are unfair, contains elements of minor rules:a. Islamiteb. Mukallaf (puberty and sensible)c. Implement the provisions of the Islamic religiond. Maintaining adab3. The third major element of the rules, narrators are dhabit, contained elements of minor rules:a. Well memorized hadith of his transmission.b. Capable of properly convey the history of hadith dihapalnya to others.c. Protected from syudzuz.d. Protected from illat.With reference to the rules of major and minor rules for the sanad, the research carried out sanad hadith. Throughout all of the elements applied correctly and carefully, the research will produce quality sanad with a high degree of accuracy. [5]3. The rules Minor with criticism MatanRule mayor to honor, as already mentioned, there are two kinds, namely avoid syuzuz and avoid illat. Hadith scholars seem to have difficulties to raise the classification of the elements of minor rules in detail and systematically. Stated that, because in the books that discuss research hadith, along which the author has been studying, there is no explanation of the classification of the elements of minor rules based elements mayornya rules. Whereas for the sanad, that classification is described.The statement is not intended that the scholars of hadith does not use a benchmark in researching honor. The existing benchmarks, only in use, the hadith scholars on the path directly without gradual stages according to the rules of the major elements, for example by comparing the traditions of honor that is being investigated by the arguments of certain naqli more powerful and relevant. Thus, the research activities are not classified, for example, the first step to examine the possibility syuzuz elements of minor rules, followed by the next step to examine the possibility illat minor elements of the rules as well.Which can be expressed as rules keshahihan honor, by scholarly expressed as a benchmark for examining the falsity of a hadith. According to scholarly, signs of false hadith is:1. The composition of the language is ambiguous.2. The content is contrary to a healthy mind and a very difficult diinterprasikan rationally.3. The content is contrary to the fundamental objectives of Islamic religion.4. The contents contrary to the law and the laws.5. The contents contrary to historical certainty.6. The contents contrary to the instructions of the Koran or hadith mutawattir which already contains a peunjuk certainty.7. The contents are outside the measured reasonableness of the general instructions teachings of Islam.Although grain benchmarks seem thorough study of the honor, but the accuracy rate is determined by methodological provision in its application. For the intellect, breadth of knowledge, and accuracy of researchers are highly demanded. [6]

[1] Abdul Majid Khon, Ulumul Hadis, Cet. ke-3 (Jakarta: Amzah, 2009) hlm. 213-214.
[2] Muhammad Ahmad dan M. Mudzakir, Ulumul Hadis, Cet. ke-3 (Bandung: CV. Pustaka Setia, 2004) hlm. 125-126.
[3] Untuk lebih jelas lagi lihat: Ali Mustafa Yaqub, Kritik Hadis, Cet. ke-4 (Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus, 2004) hlm. 75-80.
[4] Muhammad Ahmad dan M. Mudzakir, Op.cit., hlm. 126-127.
[5] Ibid., hlm. 127-128.
[6] Ibid., hlm. 128-130.