Saturday 5 December 2015

Understanding Taqlid

        Word taqlid (تقليد) derived from ficil madhi (basic words) تقلد and قلد lughawi which means "draping" or "make a necklace". Said taqlid have a relationship with the word qaladah meeting (قلادة), while qaladah itself mean necklace. In its origin, قلادة (necklace) was used for something that is put twist the neck of an animal; and the animals put a necklace that follow wholly anywhere necklace was pulled people. If used as "necklace" that is "opinion" or "word" person, it means the person who put a necklace that will follow the "opinion" that person no longer questioned why the opinions of the case.Among the definitions of taqlid, is:1. Al-Ghazali gives the definition:قبول قول بلا حجةReceive a greeting without proof.2. Dr. Zakiyyuddin Tsa'ban menta'rifkan Taqlid as follows:التقليد هوالأخذ بقول الغيرمن غير معرفة دليله 
Taqlid is, accept / follow the words of others without mengatahui the source words.3. Amir Bad Shah of the Tafsir At-Tahrir interpret taqlid with:العمل بقول الغيرمن غيرحجة 
Charity with the opinions of others without knowing the legal basis.  
From the description and analysis of the definitions above, can be formulated essence of taqlid, namely:1. Taqlid it is charitable to follow the statement or opinion of others.2. Opinions or greeting others who followed it was not worth proof.3. People who follow the opinions of others that do not know the cause or the arguments and proof of the opinion that follow it.

Referensi :
·         Amir Syarifuddin, Ushul Fiqh jilid 2, Ciputat: PT. LOGOS Wacana Ilmu, 2001.
·         Ahmad Abd. Madjid, Ushul Fiqh, Pasuruan: PT. Garoeda Buana Indah, 1994. 
·         Abd. Jabbar Adlan, Dirasat Islamiyyah, Surabaya: CV. Anika Bahagia, 1995.

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