Saturday 5 December 2015


A. Decision-making ProcessUseful and well-known model proposed by Herbert A. Simon to be used as a basis to explain the decision-making process. This model consists of three main stages:1. 1. Investigations2. 2. Design3. 3. SelectionSo the decision process can be considered as a stream of investigations to the design and then the election. But at every stage of the results may be returned to the previous step to start again. So these stages are elements of a continuous process.Some models of decision making more emphasis on feedback the decision. For example, Rubenstein and Haberstroh proposes the following steps:1. 1. Introduction to the problems or the need for decision-making.2. 2. Analysis and reporting alternatives.3. 3. The selection among alternatives.4. 4. Communication and implementation decisions.5. 5. Step advanced and feedback the results of the decision.The two models are not mutually contradictory. Model simon basically said that the implementation of the decision and that other decisions required for the next step. Simon's model is relevant for the design of management information systems. Relevance is described for the three phase models Simon.B. Framework and Concepts for Decision MakingThere are several ways to classify the decision. Understanding of the framework and concept will be useful for subsequent discussion.1. 1. Decision Making SystemA decision system, which is a model of the system by which decisions are taken, it can be closed or open. A system of closed decision considers that the decision is separated from the unknown input from the environment. In this system of decision-makers are considered:1. Knowing all the alternatives and all the consequences or results of each.2. Have a method (rules, relationships and sebgainya) which allows him to make the order of importance of all alternatives.3. Choose alternatives to maximize something, such as profit, sales volume, or usability.Open decision model considers that the decision-makers:1. Not knowing all the alternatives and all the results.2. Perform a search on a limited basis to find some satisfactory alternative.3. Taking a decision that a satisfactory level of aspirations.2. 2. Knowledge of ResultsAn outcome determines what will happen when a decision is taken and / or direction of an act is taken. If the results are known, and as a result of the outcome is uncertain, the issue of decision-making is to calculate an act / optimum results.3. 3. Response DecisionDecisions can be classified as programmed or not programmed by the organization or individual's ability to hold a planner on the decision making process. Programmatic decision is a decision that can be specified in advance as a set of rules or procedures decision.Decisions are not programmed are decisions that occur only once or changed at any time needed.4. 4. Description of the DecisionA decision-making model that tells decision makers how he had to take a class called the decision a normative or prescriptive models. Descriptive model is a model that describes how the actual decision makers make decisions.5. 5. Criteria for Decision MakingThe criteria for choosing among alternatives in the normative model is the maximization / maximization (on profits, usability, expected value and so on).An alternative view on the decision-making criteria is satisfaction. This view stems from the model keprilakuan descriptive saying that the decision makers do not know all the alternatives and have to look for it.6. 6. Relevance Concept Design Decisions on SIMSIM based computers useful both in closed systems and open systems. In the decision model is closed, the computer acts as a calculator tool to be able to calculate the optimum results. In the open model, the computer acts as a helper for man decision makers in counting, storing, looking back, analyze the data and so on.C. Model Keprilakuan on Organizational Decision Makinga. a. Search ProblemistikBehavioral theory postulates that the search is based on rules rather simple:1. Search locally either close the existing symptoms or close to the existing solution.2. If the local search fails, expand the search to areas of weak organization before moving on to other areas.b. b. Understanding of OrganizationalOrganizational behavior that can adjust as time passes. They change goals and revise the search procedures based on their experience.c. c. Application of Model Keprilakuan Decision on the SIMBehavioral theory is a descriptive model of organizational decision-making. Here the emphasis is on gratification, uncertainty avoidance to control the environment, the purpose inconsistent based alliance of existing organizational members, the search for issues that are stimulated, and behavior of organizational adjustments with berjalanya time. The main value of behavioral patterns in the design of SIM is to realize the designer on behavioral considerations.D. Influence of Cognitive Style on Decision Making by IndividualsThe strategy employed individuals in an effort to reach a decision or solve a problem called cognitive style. Individuals systematic analytical or rely on the information Definition neat and organized and planned to decision making. Individuals heuristic or intuitive rely on analogy and allow the situation to guide decision-making. Research or cognitive style is directly relevant to the design of information systems management.E. Methods for Selecting Alternative Decided1. 1. Optimization Techniques in CertaintyOptimization techniques assume the decision is a closed system in which all of the alternatives and the results are known. The issue of the calculation is to calculate which alternative is optimal for the functioning of the existing targets.2. 2. The matrix results in a statistically Decision TheoryThe term statistical decision theory is used in conjunction with a technique to evaluate the potential outcomes of alternative actions in a decision situation. It is a closed system model decision, so that all of the alternatives and the results are considered unknown.3. 3. Curves (Curves) indifference and UsageA measure called "usability" (utility) is often used as a substitute for monetary or other value. The units are called "order" (utiles).4. 4. Decision TreesThe decision tree is a useful method for the present analysis. This analysis is called a "decision tree" because of the actions and decisions of different form the branches of a starting point of decision.5. 5. Game TheoryGame theory is a way to analyze the decision when there is a competitive situation so that when the decision unit (player) wins, the other loses.6. 6. Classical statistical inferenceOn classical statistical techniques can be useful in providing information for decision making. Some of the techniques mentioned to remind the reader will be the diversity of tools available.7. 7. Decision on Design Methods Relevance SIMThe device methods to decide between alternatives must be part of the information system / decision. For some issues, the proper technique should be available automatically. For other issues, can be provided two or more alternatives. Information systems should support decision makers in finding the best technique.

Davis, Gordon B., Management Information Systems: Conceptual Fondations, Structure, and Develoment, Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, 1974; Terj. Adiwardana, Andreas S., Kerangka Dasar Sistem Informasi Manajemen Bagian I: Pengantar, Jakarta, PT Pustaka Binaman Pressindo, 2002, Cet. Ke-12.

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