Saturday 5 December 2015


A. Basic Islamic EducationBasics in this description is used as a foundation or footing Islam are running science education. In principle, the science of Islamic education serves to develop Islamic education itself. [1] The basis of Islamic education is used as an operational basis for the realization of the ideal basis / sources of Islamic education. [2]According to Hasan Langgulung, basic operations of Islamic education there are six kinds, namely historical, sociological, economic, political and administrative, psychological, and philosophical, and of which six were added again to the religious by Dr. Abdul Mujib, M.Ag. To be more systematic, the following will be outlined seven (7) sections of the fundamentals of the science of Islamic education: [3]1. Basic HistoricalHistorical basis is the basic oriented educational experience of the past, either in the form of laws and regulations, so that the policies adopted today will be better. This base can also be used as a reference for predicting the future, because this gives the basis of input data on the advantages and disadvantages of policies and reciprocation of educational achievement that has been reached. Word of Allah. in Al Hashr verse 18: "And let every person look at what he has done for tomorrow (the Hereafter). [4]" For example, the Arabs have a penchant to compose, the education literature in Arabic to be important in the curriculum today, because besides being a literary identity and academic potential for Arabs as well as a source of adhesive nation.2. Basic SociologicalSociological basis is the foundation that gives sociocultural framework, which with the sociocultural education implemented. This base also serves as a benchmark in learning achievement. That is, the level of a school can be measured from the output level of relevance of education to the needs and desires of the community.3. Basic EconomyEconomic base is the foundation that gives a perspective on the potential financial, explore and organize resources, and is responsible for planning and budget spending. Therefore, education is regarded as something noble, then the financial resources in revitalizing education should be clean, pure and not mixed with possessions doubtful.4. Basis of Political and AdministrativePolitical and administrative basis is the foundation that gives ideological frame, which is used as a starting point for achieving the aspired goals and planned together. Basic political exclusion becomes important for educational equity, both quantitatively and qualitatively.5. Basic PsychologyBasic psychology is the foundation that provides information about the talents, interests, temperament, character, motivation and innovation of students, teachers, workers administrsi, as well as other human resources. This base is also useful to know the level of satisfaction and inner well-being education actors, enabling them to improve performance and competition in a way that is good and healthy.6. Basic PhilosophicalPhilosophical basis is the foundation which gives the ability to choose the best, given toward a system, controlling and giving direction to all other operational basics. For secular society, this base became the most important reference in education, because the philosophy of those is the mother of all basic education. As for religious communities, such as the Muslim community, this base just to be part of the thinking in the field of education in a systematic, radical, universal and its principles derived from divine values.7. Basic ReligiousReligious basis is the foundation derived from religious teachings. This base has been described in detail on the sources of Islamic education. Basic education is important in Islam, because the basis of this and all educational activity becomes meaningful.
B. Purpose Islamic EducationThe aim is a something that is expected to be achieved after the completion of business or activity. [5] The aim must be stationary means has reached or won any cultivated. For example, I intend to go back to school to college then after that intention happen, it means the goal has been reached. As to achieve that objective made various efforts are ikhtiyar maqsudi, efforts to achieve the purpose. [6]Of the many Islamic educational purposes, there are several objectives of Islamic education that can be systematized as follows: [7]1. The realization of the academic man who is faithful and devoted to Allah.2. Establishing a perfect man, who berakhlakul karimah.3. The realization of human personality Muslims.4. The realization of intelligent beings in the Koran and study science.5. The realization of human being useful to other people's lives.6. The realization of human being physically and mentally healthy; and7. The realization of Muslim characters who spread their knowledge to fellow human beings.To achieve the above goal, the Islamic education institutions should have a quality education with the resources furnished by a competent educator.In terms ushuliyah stated that: "al-Umuru bi maqashidiha", that every action and should be goal-oriented activity or a predetermined plan. This term indicates that education should be oriented towards the objectives to be achieved, not merely a series of oriented material. Therefore, the purpose of Islamic education into the educational component must be formulated before formulating educational components to another. [8]

[1] Beni Ahmad Saebani dan Hendra Akhdiyat, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2009) h. 112.
[2]  Abdul Mujib dan Jusuf  Mudzakkir, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2008) h. 44.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Departemen Agama RI, Al Qu’ran Al Karim wa Tarjamah Ma’anih ila Al Lughah Al Indunisiyyah, (Jakarta: PT. Arga Printing, 2008) h. 773.
[5] Zakiah Daradjat, dkk, Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009) h. 29.
[6] Beni Ahmad Saebani dan Hendra Akhdiyat, Op.cit., h. 146.
[7] Ibid. hal. 147.
[8]Abdul Mujib dan Jusuf  Mudzakkir, Op.cit., h. 71.

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